First, you will need to scan the network you're on to find the Unifi Device. You can use Advanced IP Scanner. This App is free to use.
Scan your network, and then get the IP address of your device.
Next, click on Start, and then type CMD. A new black window will show up on your screen.
type the following ssh -l ubnt ip_address_of_unifi
ssh -l ubnt
Then it will ask for a password; enter ubnt
Once you're logged in, you should see something like this
We need to adopt it to the controller
Type the following
This is the same for all devices. After you type set-inform press enter
Then the screen will show this
It says Adoption request sent to
Login to the One2One Consulting Unifi Controller
Then go to the site you wish to adopt it to.
Then look for your device.
Then click on the "Click to Adopt"
Then wait for it to Adopt, then make sure you update the firmware on the device.
Then repeat for each device.